When it begin part 3

 I had  plan that the House will be finished a month  after I did my research. During the construction was being built, I prepared every single thing to cultivated the Mushroom, such as; palm oil's EFB, the water, the sporadic seed, manual heater, a lot of wood to make the fire, and un-exceptional the knowledge. 

Everything were done as I plan, the house, the Medium for cultivated the sporadic, the distrubution etc. As I did everything I was told by the expert, everything seems good, but not as I expected. The mushroom growth late as it shouldn't be, and the yield's  masses of the mushroom were lower than as I expected, and the  period of the yield is only 5 days out of 14 days. Then I said to my self, 'Okay, Rani this is your first try, it's okay if you are failed.'.  The bright side was, that  I  already knew how to cultivated  and learn the procedure about it.


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